PD Dr.-Ing. Azad Emin
- Gruppe:
- Raum: CS
- azad emin ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- lvt.blt.kit.edu/1271.php
Gotthard-Franz-Straße 3
Geb. 50.31, 4. OG
D-76131 Karlsruhe
- Numerical simulation and modeling of biopolymeric material flow
- Rheological characterization of biopolymeric material flow
- Analysis of dispersive and distributive mixing during extrusion processing
- Measurement of thermal stress profile during extrusion
- Functionalization of plant and milk proteins
- Analysis of the structuring mechanism of meat analogs
- Structuring of ready-to-eat protein based matrices
- Functionalization of lignocellulosic materials
- Up-cycling of food by-products
- Analysis of the structuring mechanism of directly expanded foods
- Process intensification
Titel | Datum | Autor | Quelle |
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Food Extrusion Processes | 2017 | Wittek, P.; Emin M.A. |
Reference Module in Food Science, online available |
Modeling extrusion processes | 2015 | Emin, M.A. |
Modeling Food Processing Operations pp. 235-253 |
Dispersive mixing of oil in plasticized starch by extrusion processing to design functional foods | 2013 | Emin, M.A. |
Verlag Dr. Hut, ISBN: 978-3-8439-1112-2, 2013 |
Food Process Engineering Research and Innovation in a Fast Changing World: Paradigms/Case Studies | 2013 | Schuchmann, H.P.; Köhler, K.; Emin. M.A.; Schubert, H. |
Advances in Food Process Engineering Research and Applications pp 41-59 |
Formulierung in festen Matrices: Dispergieren von Öltropfen in plastifizierten Stärkematrices | 2012 | Emin, M. A.; Schmidt, U.; Hardt, N.; van der Goot, A. J. |
In: Emulgiertechnik, 2. Auflage, Edited by H.P Schuchmann. and K. Köhler, Behr’s Verlag, Hamburg. |
Characterization of mixing in food extrusion and emulsification processes by using CFD | 2010 | Emin, A.; Köhler, K.; Schlender, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
in "High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '10" |
Titel | Datum | Autor | Quelle |
A multiple-step online-slit-die rheometer for investigations of the influence of extrusion process parameters on the rheological behaviour of starch-based food products | 2009 | Horvat, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N. |
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ETH Zürich, 474 – 475, 2009 |
Dispersing triglycerides in plasticized starch matrices | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; Hardt, N.; Schuchmann, H.P.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R. |
ProcessNet Fachausschüsse „Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik“ und „Mehrphasenströmungen“ Frankfurt/D, 2010 |
Erarbeitung wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen zur Herstellung ballaststoff- und polyphenolreicher Frühstückszerealien mit reduzierter Energiedichte (Zerealien) | 2018 | Mayer-Miebach, E.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A.; Bunzel, M.; Steck, J.; Briviba, K.; Behsnilian, D.; Schmid, V.; Greiner, R. |
BLE-Innovationstage 23./24.10.2018 Bonn |
Online-Rheologie zur Produktentwicklung extrudierter, funktioneller Zerealien | 2009 | Horvat, M.; Hirth, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2009, Mannheim/D, 8.-10. September, 2009 |
Titel | Datum | Autor | Quelle |
Food Structure Engineering: Product Design Principles Revisited | 2019 | Emin, M.A. |
ICEF – International Congress on Engineering and Science, Melbourne |
Design of plant-based meat analogues | 2019 | Emin, M.A. |
ICoMST 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Berlin |
Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the reaction behavior and functionality of highly concentrated whey proteins | 2019 | Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
ICEF13 - International Congress on Engineering and Food, Melbourne, Australien 2019 |
Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the gelation properties of extruded apple pomace | 2019 | Schmid, V.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
Fachausschuss LVT 05-07.03.2019 Lausanne, Switzerland |
Structuring plant proteins to design sustainable food systems | 2019 | Emin, M.A. |
A*Star – Alternative Protein Industry Roundtable, Singapore |
Role of the protein composition and rheological properties on the structuring of soy-based meat analogues in extrusion processing | 2019 | Wittek, P.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
13th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 23. – 26. September 2019, Melbourne (AUS) |
Functionalization of whey proteins by extrusion processing: Influence of thermal and mechanical stresses on the reaction behaviour and functional properties | 2019 | Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
11th NIZO Dairy Conference - Milk Protein Functionality, Papendal, Netherlands 2019 |
Design of functional and sustainable food ingredients by extrusion processing | 2019 | Emin, M.A. |
Food Ingredients Europe, Paris |
Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the emulsifying properties of whey proteins | 2019 | Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik 2019, Nestlé Research Center Lausanne, Switzerland 2019 |
Analysis of the reaction behavior of highly concentrated whey proteins under thermomechanical treatment | 2018 | Quevedo, M., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. |
32nd European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) International Conference 2018, Nantes, France 2018 |
Erarbeitung wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen zur Herstellung ballaststoff- und polyphenolreicher Frühstückszerealien mit reduzierter Energiedichte (Zerealien) | 2018 | Mayer-Miebach, E.; Behsnilian, D.; Greiner, R. ; Schmid, V.; Emin, M.A.; Karbstein, H.P. |
Innovationstage 2018 der BLE 23.-24.10.2018 Bonn, Germany |
Reactive extrusion of whey protein-citrus pectin blends: Investigations on structural changes and functional properties | 2018 | Emin, M.A.; Koch. L.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
7th International Symposium on Delivery of Functionality into Complex Food Systems. Auckland. |
Protein Extrusion: Product and process design principles revisited. | 2018 | Emin, M.A. |
IFT 2018, Chicago |
Zum Stand der Technik der Texturierung von pflanzlichen Proteinen durch Extrusion | 2018 | Emin, M.A. |
47. Wissenschaftliche Informationstagung der BBGfG, Berlin |
Designing meat analogues by extrusion processing: A short history of a long story | 2018 | Emin, M.A. |
Meat Analogues Conference, Wageningen |
Research on basic principles for the production of breakfast cereals with reduced energy density enriched with dietary fibre and polyphenols | 2018 | Beshnilian, D.; Mayer-Miebach, E.; Steck, J.; Bunzel, M.; Briviba, K.; Greiner, R.; Schmid, V.; Emin, M.A.; Karbstein, H.P. |
Anuga FoodTec 2018 20.-23.03.2018 Köln |
Ballaststoffreiche Frühstücks- zerealien mit reduzierter Energiedichte - Ein Beitrag zur Reformulierung von Lebensmitteln | 2018 | Mayer-Miebach, E.; Beshnilian, D.; Steck, J.; Bunzel, M.; Briviba, K.; Greiner, R.; Schmid, V.; Emin, M.A.; Karbstein, H.P. |
20. Getreidenährmittel-Tagung 14.-15.03.2018 Detmold |
Influence of extrusion processing on the functional properties of chokeberry pomace | 2018 | Schmid, Vera; Mayer-Miebach, Esther; Behsnilian, Diana; Karbstein, Heike P.; Emin, M. Azad |
32nd European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) International Conference 2018, Nantes, France 2018 |
Extrusion zur Gestaltung von proteinbasierten Lebensmitteln | 2018 | Emin, M.A. |
FEI Kooperationsforum, Bonn |
Role of protein reactivity and rheology on the delivery of alternative proteins into food systems | 2018 | Emin, M.A. |
IFT 2018, Chicago |
Strukturelle Veränderungen hochkonzentrierter Proteine unter definierten extrusionsähnlichen Bedingungen | 2018 | Quevedo, M., Kulozik, U., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. |
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2018, Aachen, Germany 2018 |
Rheology and modeling of complex food systems in reactive extrusion | 2017 | Emin, M.A. |
253rd ACS Meeting, San Francisco, 2017. |
Mechanistic analysis of extrusion processing | 2017 | Emin, M.A. |
Coperion Food Extrusion Seminar, Stuttgart |
Analysis of the reaction behavior of concentrated protein systems in extrusion-like conditions by using a closed cavity rheometer | 2016 | Emin, M.A.; Pietsch, V.L.; Koch, L.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology –IUFoST, Dublin, 2016 |
Analysis of extrusion processing at mechanistic level to design functional and sustainable food products | 2016 | Emin, M.A. |
IFT16, Chicago, 2016. |
Extrusion processing of meat analog products: Characterization of flow characteristics and their influence on structure formation in die sectio | 2016 | Emin, M.A.; Pietsch, V.L.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
30th EFFoST Conference, Wien, 2016. |
A mechanistic approach to design sustainable and functional food systems by extrusion processing | 2015 | Emin, M.A.; Pietsch, V.L.; Koch, L.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Erlangen, 2015 |
Characterization of extrusion processing to design sustainable and functional food systems | 2015 | Emin, M.A.; Koch, L.; Pietsch, V.L.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
29th EFFoST Conference, Athens, 2015. |
Dispersive mixing of oil in plasticized starch by extrusion processing to design functional foods 2014 | 2014 | Emin, M.A. |
1st Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium, Amsterdam, 2014. |
Extrusion Technology And Its Future In The Food Industry | 2014 | Emin, M.A. |
Symposium on Food Innovation – Present & Future, UNSW – Sydney, 2014. |
The role of rheological properties in droplet breakup and coalescence in twin-screw extrusion processing of starch based matrix | 2013 | Emin, M.A; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Rheologie, Magdeburg, 2013 |
Characterization of dispersive mixing during the extrusion processing of maize starch | 2012 | Emin, M.A.; van der Groot, A.J.; Horvat, M.; Boom, R.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Rheologie und Trocknungstechnik, Universität Hohenheim. 2012 |
Designing health promoting food products by dispersing oil droplets into plasticised starch matrices via extrusion process | 2011 | Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin – DE, 2011 |
Breakup and coalescence of triglyceride droplets in plasticized starch matrices in simple shear flow | 2011 | Emin, M.A.; Schmidt, U.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
International Food Congress on Novel Approaches in Food Industry, Izmir-Türkei, 2011 |
Dispersive mixing of lipophilic components in thermoplasticized starch matrix by twin screw extrusion: Numerical simulation and experimental results | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; Hirth, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7, Prague, 28 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2010. |
Dispersion of low viscous oil droplets into thermoplasticized starch matrix in simple shear flow | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Hardt, N.; Schuchmann, H.P.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R. |
6th Annual European Rheology Conference, Göteborg – Sweden, 2010 |
Encapsulation of lipophilic bioactives into starch based matrix via extrusion process: Influence of process and material properties on dispersive mixing of triglycerides and on stability of all-trans-ß-carotene | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Mayer-Miebach, E.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Formula VI Conference, Stockholm/S, 2010 |
Formulierung von thermosensitiven bioaktiven Molekülen im HTST Extrusionsprozess | 2010 |
Hirth, M.; Leiter, A.; Stähle, P.; Preiß, R.; Horvat, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Mayer-Miebach, E. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen/D, 21.-23. September, 2010 |
Einfluss der Prozessparameter auf das rheologische Verhalten extrudierter stärkebasierter Lebensmittel | 2009 | Horvat, M.; Emin, A.; Eichler, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R. |
ProcessNet Fachausschüsse "Trocknungstechnik" und „Agglomerationstechnik“ Bad Dürkheim/D 2009 |
Titel | Datum | Autor | Quelle |
Soy proteins in extrusion processing: Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the molecular structure and rheological properties | 2019 | Wittek, P.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, 5. – 6. März 2019, Lausanne |
Analysis of complex rheological properties of soy proteins in extrusion processing | 2019 | Wittek, P.; Zeiler, N.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
8th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, 17. – 20. Juni 2019, Zürich |
Modification of the rheological properties of apple pomace by extrusion processing | 2019 | Schmid, V.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
ISFRS 16-20.06.2019 Zürich, Schweiz |
Role of the protein composition and rheological properties on the structuring of soy-based meat analogues in extrusion processing | 2019 | Wittek, P.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
13th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 23. – 26. September 2019, Melbourne (AUS) |
Modification of functional and rheological properties of apple pomace by extrusion processing | 2019 | Schmid, V.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
ICEF 23-26.09.2019 Melbourne, Australien |
Numerische Analyse des thermomechanischen Beanspruchungsprofils bei der Extrusion stärke-basierter Matrizes | 2018 | Schwegler, Y.; Wittek, P.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, 5. – 6. März 2018, Berlin |
Analyse der Strömungscharakteristika im Düsenbereich der High-Moisture-Extrusion von pflanzlichen Proteinen | 2018 | Wittek, P.; Karbstein H.P.; Emin, M.A. |
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, 5. – 6. März 2018, Berlin |
Bewertung der Mischeffizienz eines Doppelschneckenextruders mithilfe von CFD | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Matias, J.; Horvat, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen/D, 21.-23. September, 2010 |
Break-up and coalescence of low viscous oil droplets in plasticized starch matrix under simple shear flow | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Hardt, N.; Schuchmann, H.P.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R. |
ProcessNet Fachausschüsse |
Health promoting food design: Incorporation of traditional Turkish concentrated fruit juices (pekmez) into spray dried and extruded food products | 2010 | Emin, A.; Schröder, J.; Günal, B.; Gaukel, V.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Tavman, S. |
ProcessNet Fachausschuss "Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik" Fulda/D, 2010 |
Potential der Hochgeschwindigkeitsextrusion für die Produktgestaltung funktioneller Zerealien: Stabilität sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe in High Temperature-Short Time-Prozessen | 2010 | Hirth, M.; Leiter, A.; Stähle, P.; Preiß, R.; Horvat, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Mayer-Miebach, E. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen/D, 21.-23. September, 2010 |
Mixing performance evaluation of various screw elements in a twin screw extruder by using CFD | 2010 | Emin, M.A.; Matias, J.O.; Horvat, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen/D, 21.-23. September, 2010 |
A multiple-step online-slit-die rheometer for investigations of the influence of extrusion process parameters on the rheological behaviour of starch-based food products | 2009 | Horvat, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N. |
5th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ETH Zürich/CH, 15.-18. Juni, 2009 |
Functional extruded cereals: Product design based on rheological behaviour in food extrusion | 2009 | Horvat, M.; Hirth, M.; Emin, A.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N. |
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2009, Mannheim/D, 8.-10. September, 2009 |