The current research in the working group of Dr.-Ing. Nico Leister focuses on:
- Microfluidic methods for the production of microcapsules: Via the intermediate step of a double emulsion, solid capsules are produced by gelation, polymerization or crystallization, which can be used in a variety of applications as process markers, food and biotechnology.
- Innovative high-pressure homogenization processes: High-pressure homogenizer orifices are optimized by measuring local flow conditions and their influence on droplet deformation and break-up as well as the formation of cavitation areas. Use and development of in-, on- and offline process analytics and numerical flow simulation.
- Melt emulsions: Relationships between structural and process parameters and the aggregate state of droplets/particles in melt emulsions. Influence of the state of aggregation of droplets/particles on the texture and stability of products based on melt emulsions.
- Embedding of fats and oils in meat substitutes: Process adaptations to modified formulations and research into protein-triglyceride combinations with good encapsulation properties, as well as the development of new process variants.
Our research aims to optimize the encapsulation of oil phases using various processes. The focus here is on emulsification technology. The aim is to understand the effects of process control on the structure and end product properties and thus enable improved products. The target applications are mainly in the food and life science sectors. We have expertise in all dispersing and emulsifying technologies and are currently concentrating on high-pressure homogenization, microfluidics and extrusion. We incorporate not only experimental but also numerical and microstructure-related analysis methods and develop or optimize them as required. We have all the relevant measurement techniques for determining the flow behavior / rheological properties, the particle / droplet size distribution, the physical state of the dispersed phase, the interfacial properties and the droplet, dispersion and emulsion stability. Model-based process design and device development go hand in hand with targeted product design. Interdisciplinary projects link our research with the food, life science and chemical industries as well as apparatus engineering.
Schochat, P. R.; Lepp, L.; Karbstein, H. P.; Leister, N.
2024. Journal of Texture Studies, 55 (6), e12871. doi:10.1111/jtxs.12871
Rütten, E.; Leister, N.; Karbstein, H. P.; Håkansson, A.
2024. Chemical Engineering Science, 283, 119405. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2023.119405
Grijalva Garces, D.; Appoldt, L. J.; Egner, J.; Leister, N.; Hubbuch, J.
2023. Gels, 9 (12), Art.-Nr.: 927. doi:10.3390/gels9120927
Ellwanger, F.; Pernice, L.; Karbstein, H. P.; Emin, M. A.
2023. Journal of Food Engineering, 359, Art.-Nr.: 111665. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2023.111665
Saavedra Isusi, G. I.; Pietsch, V.; Beutler, P.; Hoehne, S.; Leister, N.
2023. Processes, 11 (7), Art.-Nr.: 1871. doi:10.3390/pr11071871
Parvate, S.; Vladisavljevic, G. T.; Leister, N.; Bolognesi, G.; Baiocco, D.; Zhang, Z.; Spyrou, A.; Chattopadhyay, S.
2023. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 15 (13), 17195–17210. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c00281
Leister, N.; Götz, V.; Jan Bachmann, S.; Nachtigall, S.; Hosseinpour, S.; Peukert, W.; Karbstein, H.
2023. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 630 (B), 534–548. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2022.10.119
Hufnagel, T.; Leister, N.; Stoy, R.; Rädle, M.; Karbstein, H. P.
2023. Chemosensors, 11 (4), Art.-Nr.: 206. doi:10.3390/chemosensors11040206
Leister, N.; Karbstein, H. P.
2023. Processes, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 234. doi:10.3390/pr11010234
Leister, N.; Vladisavljević, G. T.; Karbstein, H. P.
2022. Journal of colloid and interface science, 611, 451–461. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2021.12.094
Leister, N.; Yan, C.; Karbstein, H. P.
2022. Colloids and Interfaces, 6 (1), Art.-Nr.: 12. doi:10.3390/colloids6010012
Leister, N.; Pfaff, D.; Karbstein, H. P.
2021. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 94 (3), 365–373. doi:10.1002/cite.202100141
Leister, N.; Karbstein, H. P.
2021. Colloids and Interfaces, 5 (2), Art. Nr.: 21. doi:10.3390/colloids5020021
Leister, N.; Karbstein, H. P.
2020. Colloids and Interfaces, 4 (1), 8. doi:10.3390/colloids4010008
Taboada, M.; Leister, N.; Karbstein, H.; Gaukel, V.
2020. ChemEngineering, 4 (3), Article no: 47. doi:10.3390/chemengineering4030047
+49 721 608 42196
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