
In the framework of the cooperation contract between the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Max-Rubner-Institute (MRI) a very close collaboration between  the Institute Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences and the MRI is established. Therefore not only a very intensive cooperation concerning research projects and exchange of scientific information exists; team-work regarding teaching and two-sided utilization of apparatuses is also a huge advantage of our cooperation.

The cooperation with industrial partners is to us the logical continuation of fundamental research. For this purpose we exercise several models:

  1. Collaborative research cooperation
    Within the framework of research associations (e.g. AiF, BMBF) it is possible to conduct projects lasting 2 to 3 years. Regarding collaborative research cooperations, multiple companies in the pre-competitive area are involved. Depending on the sponsor, the contribution of the partner amounts between 10 and 50 % of the over-all cost of the project. Special financial sponsorship is available for KMUs (small and medium-sized companies).
  2. Bilateral research cooperation
    Projects in cooperation with individual companies are conducted if they result of a bilateral, long-term (2-3 years) research interest. For sponsorship a substantial contribution regarding labour costs and costs of material is stated in agreement with the partners. Therefore a confidentiality and cooperation contract is terminated.
  3. Contract research respectively measurements
    Smaller projects based on our competences are calculated on a time and material basis. Confidentiality is regulated by contract.