M.Sc. Susanne Neumann
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- group:
- room: 404
- phone: +49 721 608 43609
- fax: +49 721 608 45967
- susanne neumann ∂ kit edu
Postanschrift: Kaiserstr. 12
Liefer- und Besucheranschrift: Gotthard-Franz-Straße 3
Geb. 50.31, 4. OG
D-76131 Karlsruhe
About me
I graduated from the University of Applied Science Mannheim. After my bachelor of science in process engineering I proceeded with the master degree in chemical engineering.During my studies, I did an internship at the BASF SE in Ludwigshafen/Rhein in the department of energy and environmental technologies. Thereby, I experienced the first process insights and project operations of a global chemical company.
In the course of my studies, I also worked on research topics in the area of simulation, fluid dynamics, separation technologies and synthesis of catalysts.
I wrote my master thesis at the hte GmbH in Heidelberg. Among other things this company works on research topics concerning the heterogeneous catalysis.
During my studies I recognized that I have a great desire to work on current research topics. Therefore, the work as a research associate at the Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of technology offers excellent opportunities. Since February 2014 I work on my PhD thesis in the research area of double emulsions at the KIT.
Research Topics
My topic is about the characterization and the stabilization of double emulsions. Thereby, I focus on the instability mechanisms causing the loss of the inner water phase: coalescence and diffusion. In addition, I work on the development of a measurement technique to determine the encapsulation efficiency in double emulsions.
The double emulsions were prepared in a two-step-process. Therefore, I use different emulsification techniques (e.g. Rotor-Stator-Systems, High-Pressure-Emulsification and Membrane-Emulsification). To characterize the double emulsions belong to their structural and functional properties I mainly use the laser diffraction (LS13320/Beckmann Coulter) and dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC/TA Instruments). In addition, I investigate the interfacial properties and rheological behavior of double emulsions (PAT-1/ Sinterface, Rheometer/Anton Paar).
Titel | place | short description | |
Interactions in water in oil in water double emulsions: Systematical investigations on the interfacial properties and emulsion structure of the outer oil in water emulsion | Physicochemical and Engineering aspects (537), pp. 524–531 |
Structure stability and crystallization behavior of water in oil in water (WOW) double emulsions during their characterization by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
Investigations on the influence of osmotic active substances on the structure of water in oil emulsions for the application as inner phase in double emulsions | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |
Titel | place | short description | |
Influence of the hydrophilic emulsifier on the coalescence time in double emulsions | ESC (European Student Colloid Conference), 18. – 21. Juni 2019, Varna, Bulgarien |
Modellhafte Untersuchung physikalischer Instabilitätsphänomene in W/O/W Doppelemulsionen | Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen Zerkleinern und Klassieren, Kristallisation, sowie Grenzflächenbestimmte Systeme 12. - 13. März 2019 Bamberg |