About me
My decision towards university studies in chemical engineering was made during an internship in the former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Soon after the beginning of my studies in 2006, I chose to major in food process engineering. This way, I could expand my background in biology from school by food chemistry, nutritional science and sensory analysis.
During my student's thesis, I was involved in the development of measuring techniques in extrusion processing. In parallel, I worked as a research assistant in the emulsification group of the institute.
Finally, I concluded my studies in the third core area of the institute:
thermophysical food processing. This led to my diploma thesis on the influence of effervescent atomization on emulsions.
Scientific interests
The knowledge I gathered during my diploma studies piqued my interest in atomization technology and spray drying as a whole, with a focus on atomization of emulsions. For over three years now, I have been investigating the process of emulsification during atomization in my postgraduate studies. During this time, I have been involved in a project in a research program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (http://lvt.blt.kit.edu/21_1208.php), which enabled me to get a insights into other aspects of atomization and spray drying as well as the simulation of the respective processes.
Professional tools
In order to study the atomization of emulsions, I utilize a modular atomization test rig, in which different types of atomizers (pressure atomizers and pneumatic atomizers) may be employed. This setup, enables online spray droplet size distribution measurement via laser diffraction (Malvern Spraytec) as well as offline oil droplet size distribution measurement (again via laser diffraction spectroscopy). Finally, two spray dryers are available in the institute, which allows to study the industrial applicability of the atomizers.
Titel | Date | chair | place |
Impact of oil content on effervescent atomization of oil-in-water emulsions | 2013 |
Kleinhans, A.; Stähle, P.; Schröder, J.; Gaukel, V.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Proceeding of ILASS - Europe 2013, 25th Annual Conference on LiquidAtomization and Spray Systems, Chania/GR |
Ortsabhängigkeit des Flüssigkeitsaufbruchs bei der „effervescent atomization“ von Polyvinylpyrrolidonlösungen | 2012 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Gaukel, V. |
10. Workshop über Sprays, Techniken der Fluidzerstäubung und Untersuchungen von Sprühvorgängen, Berlin, 21.05.12 - 22.05.12 |
Titel | Date | chair | place |
Betrachtung des Öltropfenaufbruchs einer O/W-Emulsion mit einem Viskositätsverhältnis von 1 bei der "effervescent atomization" | 2014 | Kleinhans, A.; Gaukel, V.; Schuchmann, H. P. |
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Mehrphasenströmungen und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 24.-25.03.2014, Fulda |
Einfluss der Speiseviskosität auf die 3D-Tropfengrößenverteilung im Spray bei der „effervescent atomization" von Polyvinylpyrrolidonlösungen | 2013 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H. P.; Gaukel, V. |
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Extraktion und Mehrphasenströmungen, 19.-20.03.2014, Baden-Baden |
Influence of feed viscosity on drop size evolution in axial and radial distance to the spray cone during effervescent atomization of aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions | 2013 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H. P.; Gaukel, V. |
Partec - International Congress on Particle Technology, 23.-25.04.2013, , Nürnberg |
Influence of feed viscosity on liquid drop breakup during effervescent atomization of aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions | 2012 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Gaukel, V. |
ICLASS - 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray |
Titel | Date | chair | place |
Ortsabhängigkeit des Flüssigkeitsaufbruchs bei der „effervescent atomization“ von Polyvinylpyrrolidonlösungen | 2012 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Gaukel, V. |
Proceedings zu 10. Workshop über Sprays, Techniken der Fluidzerstäubung und Untersuchungen von Sprühvorgängen, Berlin, 21.05.12-22.05.12 |
A Real-time Process Analysis System for the Pulsation Detection and Measurement in Spray Processes | 2014 | Klaiber, M. J.; Kleinhans, A.; Stähle, P.; Gaukel, V.; Simon, S. |
Proceedings ILASS - Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Bremen, Germany, 2014 |
Impact of oil content on effervescent atomization of oil-in-water emulsions | 2013 |
Kleinhans, A.; Stähle, P.; Schröder, J.; Gaukel, V.; Schuchmann, H.P. |
Proceeding of ILASS - Europe 2013, 25th Annual Conference on LiquidAtomization and Spray Systems, Chania/GR |
Influence of feed viscosity on liquid drop breakup during effervescent atomization of aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions | 2012 | Kleinhans, A.; Schröder, J.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Gaukel, V. |
ICLASS - 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray |