Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Volker Gaukel

Date of birth:
1968 in Heidelberg

 Education: 01.10.90 - 31.03.96 University study of chemical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe. Specialising in food process engineering and water technology; Qualification: Dipl.-Ing.
  01.10.95 - 31.03.96 Final project („Diplomarbeit“) at the Federal Research Centre for Nutrition (Institute of Process Engineering). Subject: Recrystallisation of ice under oscillating temperatures in a model solution for ice cream.


 Professional: 01.04.96 - 15.10.02  Research associate at the Federal Research Centre for Nutrition (Institute of Process Engineering). Special interest in freezing (crystallisation, recrystallisation), freeze drying and frozen storage of foods. Manager of 3rd Karlsruhe Nutrition Symposium 1998
  since 16.10.02 Research associate and lecturer at the Section Food Process Engineering of University Karlsruhe and deputy head of Institute. Research Focuses: Design of frozen foods. Deputy head of Institute
  May 2004 Dissertation at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Title: Dr. rer. nat.: Influence of antifreeze proteins on the recrystallisation of ice during frozen storage of a model solution for ice cream.
  since 01/2009 Head of department "Thermopysical Processes for Foods". Research Focuses on: Design of frozen foods, Development of instant foods and snacks with functional properties, Design of microwave heated processes and spraydrying.